Das wäre alles was ich biete,als kleiner Weinverrückter.
Natürlich wird die Seite unzählige Male umgestellt,sowie immer wieder mal ergänzt.
Genug Bla;Bla..wünsche viel Vergnügen,sowie vielleicht schöne Erinnerungen.
Vosne Romanee,DRC Romanee Conti
Trauben der DRC Romanee Conti,黑比诺
Vosne-Romanee und Licht
Was soll man grossartig sagen,wenn man das Glück hatte 2004,2005,2006,2007 und zuletzt 2008 von diesen grossartigen Weine der Domaine de la Romanée-Conti versuchen zu dürfen.
Die Weine der DRC; Echezeaux,Grands Echezeaux,Romanee St.Vivant,Richebourg, La Tâche,Romanee Conti,Montrachet sowie manchmal Vosne Romanee Cuvee Duvault Blochet.Sowie neuerdings Corton.
Golan Heights Winery/Israel The Golan Heights Winery produces premium varietals, proprietary blends and traditional method sparkling wines, marketed under the labels "Yarden", "Gamla" and "Golan". The winery was founded in 1983 and is located in the small town of Katzrin, high up on the Golan Heights.
Achaval Ferrer/Argentina At Achaval- Ferrer, we are united by the passion to make great wines, which are faithful gifts of the soil from where they begin. We are a group of friends from Argentina and Italy, together since 1998....
Chateau Musar/Lebanon The wines of Chateaux Musar are unique expressions from a country with an ancient wine-making culture,as vines have been cultivated from Lebanon`s high altitude Bekaa Valley for over 6000 years...
academiedesvinsanciens "Mon nom est François Audouze. Ma carrière est celle d’un industriel, loin du
vin. Je collectionne les vins anciens depuis plus de trente ans car j’en ai la
passion. Amateur reconnu dans le monde des vins anciens, j’ai une expérience de
la dégustation des vins anciens assez rare, de milliers de bouteilles d’avant
1945 dont la plus vieille est : 1769.."
http://paragonist.blogspot.com/ Vivek Nanda Hyderabad, India By profession I m a Software Engineer but the more creative side of me insists to be called as a Writer/Author/Poet. I m truly passionate about writing, I believe through my blogs I share what I feel and stay connected to the people across the globe...
http://vinography.com/ Vinography began on January 15th, 2004 as a personal project for founder and editor Alder Yarrow. The site is now a respected source for non-mainstream wine writing, and one of the most influential wine blogs on the Internet. Featuring wine and sake reviews, restaurant reviews, editorials, book reviews, wine news, and wine event coverage, Vinography publishes new content daily to a global readership. The site's contributors work hard to create an alternative to the traditional sources and styles of wine journalism, partially through its emphasis on the stories, the people, and the passion behind wine, all told from a decidedly down-to-earth perspective....
http://www.wineanorak.com/ Jamie Goode is a London-based winewriter who is
currently wine columnist with UK national newspaper The Sunday
http://blog.ridgewine.com/ Christopher Watkins, Manager of Retail Sales & Hospitality at Ridge Vineyards/Monte Bello, hosts this blog as an on-going opportunity to carry these conversations out into the larger world; if you are a lover of Ridge, a lover of wine, or just want to learn how to use an Ah-So Cork Puller, you are most cordially invited to visit, to read, and to respond. Whether you’re curious about how a certain vintage of Monte Bello is currently showing, want to chime in on the order of last weekend’s tasting flight, or suggest a dish to pair with a young zinfandel, 4488: A Ridge Blog welcomes you with open arms and a full glass!
http://blogs.gangofpour.com/ Gang of Pour is a close-knit group of friends based in the Metropolitan Detroit area, California, Ohio, Virginia and the wilds of Canada. We gather to enjoy fine wine whenever we can, but don’t call us connoisseurs. Rather, we like to think of ourselves simply as explorers who seek out new wines from around the world...
http://port-blog.typepad.com/ Nachrichten, Analysen und Tipps aus dem Weinland Portugal mit den Schwerpunkten Port-, Douro- und Madeirawein von Gerd Gerhard.
http://www.undergroundwineletter.com/ The Underground Wineletter is an on-line magazine dedicated to wine, food, and the good life. All contributors to our magazine are experienced wine tasters who have spent their lives in search of the best wine and food. The writing is straightforward and honest. There are no nonsensical wine descriptions and no technical terms. We aim to provide relevant, professional, timely, and often controversial content. We are not bloggers, chemists, professors, or wine makers. We are consumers dedicated to providing the best information possible in an understandable and straightforward manner. Along the way, we expect to continue to learn, inform, and have fun. Our motto is “In Vino Veritas.”
http://www.israeli-wine.org/ HaKerem: The Israeli Wine Blog (http://www.israeli-wine.org) is here to bring the latest and also the greatest on the Israeli wine world — from the latest releases, to an exploration of the over 150 different wineries in Israel, to a discussion — and please join in — on how to help the world discover this hidden gem: יין ישראלי (Israeli wine). L’chaim!
http://avvinare.com/ Avvinare is a blog by Susannah Gold, a wine writer,
publicist and certified Italian sommelier. This blog started as a way
to stay connected to all things Italian, after having left il bel paese
http://www.beyer-ch.com/ Beyer is not just a well-known name, but a whole philosophy rooted in a famous tradition. The firm of Beyer was founded in 1760, and since then it has been passed down through the generations from father to son, each one a fully-trained watchmaker. As the first shop in Switzerland to specialise exclusively in clocks, watches and jewellery, Beyer can draw on a wealth of experience and deep-founded expertise when advising clients....
http://www.omega.ch/ Our pioneering spirit has taken us to the Moon, helped us conquer the oceans’ depths, and allowed us to time the world’s most important sporting events. At the same time, we were setting precision records and have been continuously re-defining state-of-the-art mechanical watchmaking since 1848. .. 銳意開拓的先驅精神,不僅將歐米茄引領到遙遠的月球,征服了幽深的海洋,更讓我們為全世界最重要的體育賽事進行計時。自1848年,我們在不斷締造最精準計時紀錄的同時,更重新界定最先進的機械製表技術。
http://www.jaeger-lecoultre.com/ It was an invention that led to the first Jaeger-LeCoultre workshop. Since 1833, the Manufacture has not only fostered this heritage of invention, creativity and technical skill together under one roof but also constantly set out in search of innovation... ジャガー・ルクルトの最初の工場は、ひとつの発明より生まれました。1833年以来、マニュファクチュールは、発明と創造性、そして確固たる技術力をひとつ屋根の下に集約させ、数々の新しいアイディアを形にしています。
Anna's Wish Anna's Wish is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charity that provides gifts/services for children dealing with pediatric cancer and their families that they cannot obtain on their own....
BMF The Bruno Manser Fund is committed to maintaining the threatened tropical rainforests with their rich plant and animal life, and to campaigning, in particular, for the rights of the peoples who inhabit the rainforests.
Given that Bruno Manser, our founder and president for many years, spent several years living with the Penan in the Malaysian federal state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo, our commitment is focused primarily on this people and on protecting the forests of Sarawak.
Our activity includes both projects in Malaysia and projects and campaigns in Europe, especially in Switzerland (see Projects). An important element in our work is running a publicly accessible documentation centre at our organisation's headquarters in Basel